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Definitely not the right season for it 

May - June 2022 

Koda, Scarborough

These works explore the varied plant life that inhabits Scarborough. They explore subject and material and question what might it mean to make work like a plant rather than work of a plant? The title is from Tripadvisor reviews, suggesting green space in Scarborough is only worth seeing in certain ‘right’ seasons.

The photographs are a mix of lumen prints, cyanotypes, anthotypes and cyan-lumens. I am not interested in perfectly composed ‘picturesque,’ images, in fact the anthesis of this; the ‘anti-picturesque.’ These works are worn, aged, smell and slowly change when exposed to light, characteristics very much like the trees they are representing. W.J.T. Mitchell comments on ‘the elemental fact that photographs are things.’ So how can these ‘things’ [photography] be used in a more sustainable and curious ways to represent natural organic subjects, as many of the chemicals used in typical photography production and development is harmful.

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